Elite Secrets Bridal

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3 Beauty Products You NEED for EVERY Type of Honeymoon

Planning and packing for a honeymoon in the middle of wedding planning can seem daunting. Between deciding what to wear and which essentials are really necessary for the trip, you’re probably already making a list and figuring out how it’s all going to fit in your luggage.

To give you some relief, we’ve broken down the must-have products you really need, for every type of honeymoon. At the very least, these tips will take some of the guesswork out of packing your toiletries.

Going to the beach:

Bronze Keep that sun-kissed look from touchdown to take off with a bronzer. For your beach getaway, you want a subtle bronzer that will allow you to build color as you tan naturally as the days pass. Our fave is Clinique's True Bronze Pressed Powder Bronzer.

Glow Opt for a fake tan before you leave so you’re not tempted to bake in the sun while you’re away. If you don’t have time to make an appointment at the salon try Tarte’s Brazillance Plus+ Self Tanner. This tanner has skincare ingredients like aloe, Vitamin E, squalene, and citric acid to leave your skin bronzer and noticeably smoother.

Waterproof Let’s be honest, you will want to continue your flawless look from your wedding throughout your honeymoon with makeup. But you don’t want to look like you’re wearing makeup—nobody wants those raccoon eyes after a dip in the pool. Try Lancome Definicils Lengthening and Waterproof Mascara, which beauty pros love because it will stay on when you need it to, but it’s easy to wash off with makeup remover.


Going on an adventure:

Bug-free Bring Citronella oil with you to help you stay bug-bite free. Bug Off! Essential Oil Blend has a strong citronella scent. Apply it to ankles, wrists, and back of the neck to help keep mosquitoes, fleas, ticks, and other insects away. An alternative to bug sprays with DDT, the oil can also act an as a natural antiseptic.

Dirt-free If you’re staying in jungle lodges or camping, you’ll want to bring some cleansing wipes to keep yourself feeling fresh and clean. Yes to Cucumbers Facial Wipes smell awesome, plus they’re perfect for getting the grime off.

Sweat-free If you’re going to be in trekking for miles and want to stay sweat-free (or as close to sweat-free as possible), look into antiperspirants that can wick away wetness. Sweat Block towelettes can control sweat for up to seven days.

 Pack wisely my Elite Friends! Your favorite beauty must-haves can be difficult to find in some destinations. We want to hear from you. Let us know your travel faves!