Elite Secrets Bridal

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5 Important Things EVERY BRIDE Must do to Look Your Best on the Big Day

5 Important Things EVERY BRIDE Must Do to Look Your Best on the Big Day 'How to look great on my wedding day?' is a thought that runs in the mind of many brides. The truth is, it is not rocket science - and it all boils down to a couple of important wedding day makeup, hair and dress tips you need to follow.

Speaking of which, we are outlining the best ones for making your look absolutely flawless - below.

1. Strike a Pose In Front Of Your Mirror

It may sound silly, but knowing where your hands are at all times during your wedding, and what your pose is, can be actually helpful. The best way to practice it is in front of the mirror, by trying each celebrity pose.

Oh, and did you know that some poses can make you 10 pounds lighter in front of the camera? Grab a friend and have them help you out!

2. Have a Professional Apply Your Makeup

Just because you have a bridesmaid who knows how to apply makeup, that doesn't mean that she will do a great job on your wedding day makeup.  Most likely she will have a lot going on and things to do that day to get herself ready. You won't be her center of attention, and your makeup may suffer because of it.  A professional makeup artist makes it his or her job to make sure that the bride is the most important face of the day!

3. Learn How to Work your Face for the Camera

Double chins are the enemy of every bride. In case you don't know what it is, it's the pose when you are looking down, and your chin is doubling and colliding with your neck. They can make even the slimmest of women look bad in pictures.

The best way to prevent a double chin from happening on your wedding photos and videos is to always move your head forward. Just make sure you are not looking at the ceiling or making awkward poses, right?

4. Embrace The Beauty Of Laughter

Sometimes, the best wedding photos are the ones where you and your friends laugh. Fake smiles are not flattering for sure - however, the same cannot be said for fake laughs. So, next time when you want to relax - let out a forced 'Ha! Ha!' - and do it again, again and again.

The results? Natural photos that everyone loves!

5. Buy The Dress, The Shoes And The Accessories

Be sure to purchase your attire in the right order. First buy the dress, next select the shoes, and lastly the accessories. That way is the easiest to follow and the most hassle-free choice to go for. And remember - always choose your wardrobe wisely. Try not to get caught up in the trend of the moment, but instead focus on your personal style and what flatters you most.

Looking for the perfect dress? We’ve got you covered. Join us at Elite Secrets Bridal on April 21 and 22 for the Justin Alexander trunk show. Click the box below to make your appointment today! You don't want to miss this! 

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